But... how are we going to do that?
Well, we're going to do that with a Goat Sanctuary! which, in short, means a four stage build with that oh so familiar collection of requests, crafted items and, of course, homestead drops.
Stage One
10 Unsharpened Pikes - Oak Trees
9 Axe Handles - Direct Request
10 Axe Head - Wall Post
10 Pressure Flaker - Brass Forges
12 Knapping Kit - Direct Request
10 Archaeology Whip - Wall Post
Stage Two
15 Plugging Chisels - Tin Forges
10 Mortar - Wall Post
9 Brick Mold - Crafted
12 Dry Rope - Maize
15 Climbing Boots - Direct Request
8 Climber's Harness - Crafted
Each Mold requires 3 Hard Wood Planks (Pine) and 8 Scaffold Nails (Wall Post)
Each Harness requires 6 Thick Leather Belts (Hide Prepping Stations) and 8 Bucket Bottoms (Direct Request)
Stage Three
25 Chain Linked Fencing - Adult Standard Cows
16 Metal Poles - Wall Post
9 Barbed Wire Spools - Crafted
16 Ciphers - Gold Forges
14 Glyph Notes - Direct Request
10 Decoder Kits - Crafted
Each Spool requires 6 Wires (Iron Forges) and 8 Wooden Spools (Direct Request)
Each Decoder Kit requires 4 Rock Chalk (Rocks), 10 Tracing Paper (Wall Post) and 4 Maria's Journal (Direct Request)
Stage Four
15 Net Guns - Direct Request
18 Catch Poles - Wall Post
12 Chupacabra Traps - Crafted
18 Scummy Water - Lavender Water Lilies
16 Vicious Crocodiles - Wall Post
12 Moat Diggers - Crafted
Each Trap requires 8 Ram's Horns (Adult Standard Rams), 8 Faux Fur (Wall Post) and 5 Stick and Box Traps (Direct Request)
Each Digger requires 6 Huge Spades (Recycle Bins), 9 Utility Timber (Direct Request) and 4 Bull Stampedes (Wall Post)