

All the latest information on the newest glitches and crashes making your game a little more entertaining, along with articles about how to do various semi-game related things to help you or your neighbours.

Thursday 28 February 2013

Companions Building Guide

Companions HQ is one of of those builds which isn't so much building stages as story stages.

Each one will guide us through what we need to train each special Companion up to Frontier-spec and get them out and about finding us goodies.

As usual it's a four step build with a mix of requests, crafting and Homestead drops. Little heavier on the crafting this time.

Stage One

10 Plant Remnants - Potatoes
4 Pet Packs - Crafted
15 Bone Treats - Skulls
6 Companion Tags - Crafted
8 Organic Fertiliser - Requested
12 Fluff 'N' Stuff - Sheep

Each Pack requires 3 Beastie Bands (Goats) and 4 Leftover Bags (Request)

Each Tag requires 2 Chiselin' Tools (Rocks) and 4 Shaped Metal (Request)

Stage Two

15 Cut Grass - Requested
15 Training Trinkets - Crafted
12 Silky Blankets - Silk Crops
8 Dousing Basins - Crafted
12 Shiny Goods - Requested
20 Pine Woodchips - Pine Trees

Each Trinket requires 2 Tuggin Ropes (Flax) and 3 Noisy Knick Knacks (requested)

Each Dousing Basin requires 3 Beat Up Buckets (Yellow Essence Labs) and 6 Fish Scented Oils (Requested)

Stage Three

10 Expired Boosts - Requested
8 Flight Badges - Crafted
12 Bird Bedding - Adult Chickens
6 Hawk Perches - Crafted
20 Raptor Rations - Requested
20 Flight Compasses - Red Essence Labs

Each Hawk Flight Badge requires 4 Chiselin' Tools (Rocks), 8 Shaped Metal and 5 Service Medals (Requested)

Each Hawk Perch requires 4 Wooden Cross Beams (Fig Trees) and 5 Concrete Bases (Requested)

Stage Four

20 Sacks of Stuff - Requested
8 Buried Trinkets - Crafted
15 Intriguing Scents - Requested
12 Burrowing Helmets - Crafted
12 Ferret Fodder - Requested
15 Burrowing Tips - Varmints

Each Buried Trinket requires 4 Tuggin Ropes (Flax) 6 Noisy Knick Knacks and 6 Bins of Dirt (Requested)

Each Burrowing Helmet requires 4 Tiny Helmets (Pecan Trees) and 5 Birthday Candles (Requested) 

Companions Activity and Crafting Guide

The Animal Companions are a helpful little bunch that can be sent out to find all manner of items on the homestead.

But what do they do, and how do we make them do it? Well, that's why we've written this guide!

The basics: Each animal can be sent on a job. The job takes a certain amount of time and then they return with items for your inventory. Each job takes a specific crafted item to do.

Although ANY animal can do ANY task you get an extra bonus if you use the animal with that item's speciality.

Belle the Cat
Speciality - Energy

Belle the Cat will bring back double rewards if sent on an Energy mission

Each Energy mission requires an Energy Aura.
Auras are crafted from 5 Yellow Essence (Yellow Essence Labs/Basic Stills) & 5 Glass Tubes (Wall Post)

Sam the Dog
Speciality - Crops

Sam the Dog has a 50% chance of getting Energy as WELL as Crops doing a crop mission.

Each Crop mission requires a Crop Essence.
Essences are crafted from 6 Red Essence (Red Essence Labs/Basic Stills) & 6 Glass Tubes (Wall Post)

Annie the Raccoon
Speciality - Debris

Annie the Raccoon does Debris Missions in half the time of the other animals.

Each Debris mission requires a Debris Scent.
Scents are crafted from 7 Blue Essence (Blue Essence Labs/Basic Stills) & 7 Glass Tubes (Wall Post)

Hero the Hawk
Speciality - Boosts

Hero the Hawk has a 50% chance of bringing back double the bonuses on a Boost mission.

Each Boost mission requires a Boost Bouquet.
Bouquets are crafted from 8 Green Essence (Green Essence Labs/Basic Stills) & 8 Glass Tubes (Wall Post)

Bandit the Ferret
Speciality - Mystery Items

Bandit the Ferret has a 33% chance of brining back Energy, Crops, Debris or a Boost as well as a Mystery Item when doing a Mystery Mission.

Each Mystery mission requires a Mystery Odour.
Odours are crafted from 8 Purple Essence (Purple Essence Labs/Basic Stills) & 8 Glass Tubes (Wall Post)

Monday 25 February 2013

Stable Building Guide

Stables need some work, just ask the Amish... and at least we don't have to pull these up by hand!

So what do we have to do? Well, we have four stages with the final one repeating to give us more spaces as we need them.

It's the traditional mix, requests, crafts and a pleasant amount of homestead drops, so lets get to finding out just what work we have to do for it!

Stage One

3 Wrangle Ropes - Crafted
4 Temporary Corrals - Crafted
5 Horseshoeing Tools - Requested
6 Blacksmith Anvils - Requested
10 Scrubby Brush - Sheep
15 Mane Soap - White Roses

Each Rope requires 4 Stiff Fibers (Flax) and 4 Tight Knots (Requested)

Each Corral requires 4 Corral Walls (Apple Trees) and 4 Long Gates (Requested)

Stage Two

5 Horse Lures - Crafted
15 Salt Blocks - Rock Debris
10 Horse Whistles - Requested
8 Horse Blinders - Requested
20 Stiff Fibers - Flax
15 Alluring Whispers - Vanilla Orchids

Each Lure requires 5 Tease Carrots (Carrots) and 6 Fishing Sticks (Requested)

Stage Three

20 Buckweat Buns - Wheat
10 Riding Gear - Crafted
20 Stable Halters - Requested
15 Worthy Hats - Requested
15 Saddle Hangers - Pine Trees
20 Beautiful Buckles - Brass Forges

Each Gear requires 4 Swine Hide (Pigs), 6 Wool Pads and 4 Trusty Bandanas (Requested)

Stage Four +
Please Note: This stage is repeatable and gives 8 slots with each completion. 

10 Hitching Post - Crafted
8 Equestrian Suites - Crafted
15 Water Troughs - Requested
20 Feed Scoops - Requested
12 Stable Design Boos - Requested
20 Fresh Feed - Alfalfa

Each Post requires 4 Log Spikes (Oak) and 4 Brass Horse Hooks (Request)

Each Equestrian Suite requires 4 Beds of Hay (Rye), 8 Equestrian Pillows and 6 Heated blankets (Requested)

Thursday 21 February 2013

Worrisome Wedding Building Guide

Weddings are never easy to plan, and when you're coping with Goldie the Bridezilla it's even worse!

So we need to get ready for a four step build with all the usual mix of items that come from requesting, crafting and homestead drops, lots of homestead drops...

Also note, the craftable items are repeated so we can stock up early!

Stage One

10 Porterhouse Steak - Requested
9 Bon Bon Platters - Requested
20 Bubbly Champagne - Wine Grapes
6 Ornate Candles - Requested
8 Hand Cream - Requested
10 Flower Water - Scarlet Wysteria

Stage Two

12 Chilly Washbasins - Requested
16 Cucumber Blindfolds - Requested
40 Bubbly Champagne - Wine Grapes
6 Sloppy Mud Buckets - Crafted
14 Rough Towels - Requested
20 Flower Water - Scarlet Wysteria

Each Bucket requires 9 Barn Mud (Snowball Piles), 6 River Mud and 7 Big Ol' Pails (Requested)

Stage Three

14 Honeysuckle Vines - Requested
18 Long Stem Tulips - Requested
20 Flower Clips - Non-Sapling Pines
12 Wedding Bouquets - Crafted
16 Pink Rose Petals - Requests
25 Gold Leaves - Golden Geese or Golden Roses

Each Bouquet requires 12 Perfect White Roses (White Roses), 8 Hyacinth Blooms and 6 Silk Ribbons (Requested)

Stage Four

14 Wedding Bouquets - Crafted
18 Pre-Nuptial Agreements - Requested
25 Boutonniere – Nightshade
12 Sloppy Mud Buckets - Crafted
20 Gazebo Chairs - Requested
30 Silk Scarf - Geese... wait, geese? Well, not like we have, say, SILK crops. So, geese, ok.

Each Bouquet requires 12 Perfect White Roses (White Roses), 8 Hyacinth Blooms and 6 Silk Ribbons (Requested)

Each Bucket requires 9 Barn Mud (Snowball Piles), 6 River Mud and 7 Big Ol' Pails (Requested)

Thursday 14 February 2013

Cuddly Kitten Corral Building Guide

Well, if we're going to be overrun by cats I guess we need somewhere for them to get used to human interaction...

That brings us to the Cuddly Kitten Corral, a build that's just the three stages made up of the usual mix of requests, Carfating and homestead drops, you know the drill by now.

So join us as we take you through what you'll need...

Stage One

20 Plum Poles - Plum Trees
10 Pouncin Practice - Debris
8 Shaggy Rugs - Requested
10 Cat Thrones - Requested
8 Kitty Platforms - Requested
6 Dangly Toys - Crafted

Each Dangly Toy requires 2 Little Bells (Goats) and 3 Kite String (Requested)

Stage Two

20 Kitty Name Tags - Steel Forges
8 Kitten Ladders - Requested
12 Adorable Bows - Requested
12 Cuddly Photos - Requested
14 Scratching Posts - Requested
8 Kitty Beds - Crafted

Each Bed requires 6 Apple Crates (Apple Trees), 12 Gritty Sandpaper and 7 Cuddle Pillows (Both requested)

Stage Three

25 Kitty No! - Lemon Trees
15 Flea Powder - Requested
12 Grooming Shears - Requested
15 Kitty Slickers - Requested
12 Cat Fishin Poles - Crafted
10 Kitty Beds - Crafted

Each Pole requires 4 Long Feathers (Geese) and 3 Bamboo Poles (Requested)

Each Bed requires 6 Apple Crates (Apple Trees), 12 Gritty Sandpaper and 7 Cuddle Pillows (Both requested)