

All the latest information on the newest glitches and crashes making your game a little more entertaining, along with articles about how to do various semi-game related things to help you or your neighbours.

Friday 28 December 2012

Climbing Wall Building Guide

Building the Climbing Wall will probably help lose more weight than climbing it, but lets give it a shot!

The Climbing Wall is a four step build with the standard mix of request items, crafting items and things that will drop from your homestead as you go.

Lots of things are repeated as we go as well so keep an eye out in advance so you can make sure you can get some extras in advance!

Stage One

8 Building Plans - Direct Request
7 Weight Belts - Wall Post
10 Hand Balm - Vanilla Orchids
6 Tough Gloves - Direct Request
8 Hefty Stones - Wall Post
10 Hearty Protein - Pigs

Stage Two

8 Climbing Belts - Direct Request
15 Carabiners - Wall Post
15 Hand Balm - Vanilla Orchids
7 Climbing Shoes - Crafted
15 Climbing Packs - Wall Post
20 Hearty Protein - Pigs

Each Shoes requires 2 Worn Shoelaces (Non Rideable Horses) and 4 Old Boots (Direct Request)

Stage Three

12 Plumb Lines - Direct Request
15 Hand Axes - Wall Post
20 Sign Paint - Winterberries
9 Climbing Poles - Crafted
15 Smalltooth Saws - Direct Request
25 Lumberjack Straps - Cows

Each Climbing Pole requires 4 Rock Drills (Silver Forges), 8 Hand Cranks (Wall Post) and 8 Straight Logs (Direct Request)

Stage Four

10 Climbing Shoes - Crafted
15 Printed Flyers - Wall Post
25 Wood Ropes - Banyan Trees
14 Cash Boxes - Crafted
20 Open Signs - Direct Requests
30 Granola Bars - Wheat

Each Shoes requires 2 Worn Shoelaces (Non Rideable Horses) and 4 Old Boots (Direct Request)

Each Cash Box requires 4 Rusty Keys (Gardener Sheep), 6 Strong Locks (Direct Request) and 10 Metal Boxes (Wall Post)

Thursday 20 December 2012

Snow Slide Building Guide

To give our kids something exciting this Winterfest we'll be building a Snow Slide!

It's a 25% reduction on a normal build as the slide is only a THREE step build, not a four step, but it's still a standard setup for each step.

We'll see a collection of request items of both types, craftable items and things that will drop from our homestead.

So sit back... on a mat, and join us in a slippy slide down the building requirements!

Stage One

5 Long Johns - Wall Post
4 Hot Cocoa - Crafted
8 Winter Socks - Adult Sheep
5 Waxed Coats - Crafted
4 Thermal Gloves - Direct Request
10 Hot Peppers - Habanjeros

Each Cocoa requires 2 Hot Milk (Adult Cows) and 3 Cocoa Flavour (Wall Post)

Each Waxed Coat requires 3 Canvas Coats (Flax) and 3 Old Candles (Direct Request)

Stage Two

10 Recycled Nail - Wall Post
8 Snow Movers - Crafted
15 Log Steps - Lemon Trees
7 Wagon Sleds - Crafted
12 Knotted Balusters - Direct Request
10 Slide Beams - Pine Trees

Each Mover requires 4 Metal Wheels (Steel Forges), 6 Handlebars (Wall Post) and 7 Shovel Heads (Direct Request)

Each Wagon Sled requires 8 Wagon Railings (Cherry Trees), 6 Sled Bases (Direct Request) and 8 Wagon Skis (Wall Post)

Stage Three

15 Snow Decorations - Wall Post
10 Ice Welders - Crafted
20 Snow Colour - Beets (The COIN crop, NOT Pink Beets)
10 Snowman Cakes - Crafted
20 Rock Salt - Direct Request
15 Slide Tickets - Mountain Blueberries

Each Welder requires 10 Plum Stocks (Plum Trees), 8 Old Lenses (Wall Post) and 8 Angle Triggers (Direct Request)

Each Cake requires 10 Round Cakes (Corn), 8 White Frosting (Direct Request) and 8 Cake Decorations (Wall Post)

Monday 17 December 2012

Toy Factory Building Guide

There can't be any corners cut when making toys for kids so we have to make sure our Toy Factory is built to code!

It's a four step build with all the usual mix of requests, craft items and drops from our homestead!

Lots of things are also used again, so keep an eye on the next few steps to see what you could be picking up in advance (especially Toy Paint).

Stage One

3 Craft Tables - Crafted
2 Fast Wheels - Crafted
4 Crafting Tools - Wall Request
5 Fine Leather - Direct Request
8 Toy Paint - Sugar Plums
12 Hobby Glue - Adult Chickens

Each Table requires 4 Table Planks (Fully Grown Pine) and 4 Secure Bolts (Wall Request)

Each Wheel requires 5 Bearings (Direct Request) and 4 Clay Wheels (Rocks)

Stage Two

6 Game Boards - Crafted
5 Mini Cowboys - Crafted
8 Small Hats - Wall Request
10 Tiny Clothes - Direct Request
15 Whittling Wood - 7 and 12 chop Oaks
12 Wrangling Ropes - Flax

Each Game Board requires 4 Wrangle Controllers (Wall Request) and 5 Playing Surfaces (Adult Standard Pigs)

Each Mini Cowboy requires 6 Limb Joints (Direct Request) and 2 Figure Parts (Monkey Puzzle Trees)

Stage Three

12 Craft Tables - Crafted
10 Ted Dolls - Crafted
15 Mini Boots - Wall Request
20 Mini Makeup - Direct Request
20 Toy Paint - Sugar Plums
10 Holiday Joy - Healed Stuffed Toys

Each Table requires 4 Table Planks (Fully Grown Pine) and 4 Secure Bolts (Wall Request)

Each Ted Doll requires 6 Twelve Inch Male Figures (Direct Request) and 4 Dark Hair (Cows)

Stage Four

10 Cart Bases - Crafted
8 Mini Cowboys - Crafted
25 Steering Columns - Wall Post
20 Small Canopies - Direct Request
15 Silky Cloth - Silk
20 Wrangling Ropes - Flax

Each Cart Base requires 4 Toy Paint (Sugar Plums), 8 Cart Rims (Wall Post) and 5 Buggy Spokes (Direct Request)

Each Mini Cowboy requires 6 Limb Joints (Direct Request) and 2 Figure Parts (Monkey Puzzle Trees)

Saturday 15 December 2012

Glass Panels Guide

Just like Quilting we have a whole bundle of different Pane designs to make up our Stained Glass Windows!

They're all made with the same universal request item, Perfect Glass, and a homestead drop.

So sit back and let us guide you through all the patches, what makes them, when they appear and what you can get from it!

Red Pane

Unlocked: From Start

Crafted with  2 Red Colouring (Red Roses) and 2 Perfect Glass (Wall Post)

Possible rewards: Red mystery animals, Rose Boosts, Red Quilting Patches, Red Crops.

Orange Pane

Unlocked: From Start

Crafted with  2 Orange Colouring (Rye) and 2 Perfect Glass (Wall Post)

Possible rewards: Green Mystery Animals, Green Lightning, Green Crops, Green Patches. (*Shrug*) 

Blue Pane

Unlocked: From Start

Crafted with  2 Blue Colouring (Frontier Flowers) and 2 Perfect Glass (Wall Post)

Possible Rewards: Blue Mystery Animals, Blue Patches, Blue Crops

Blue Pattern Panes

Unlocked: By completing Mission One

Square Pattern Panes require 3 Blue Square Patterns (Glass Sheep) and 3 Perfect Glass (Wall Post)

Circle Pattern Panes require 3 Blue Circle Patterns (Glass Forges) and 3 Perfect Glass (Wall Post)

Triangle Pattern Panes require 3 Blue Triangle Patterns (Snow Crystals) and 3 Perfect Glass (Wall Post)

Possible Rewards: Blue Mystery Animals, Glass Forges, Blue Collection Item pieces.

Flying Panes

Unlocked: On completion of Mission Two

Dragonfly Pattern requires 3 Dragonfly Patterns (Spring Flowers, Dandelions) and 4 Perfect Glass (Wall Post)

Possible Rewards: Green Collection Items, Glass Panes

Each Butterfly Pane requires 3 Butterfly Patterns (Golden Roses, Glass Roses) and 4 Perfect Glass (Wall Post)

Possible Rewards: Butterflies, Quilting Patches, Boosts, Green Collection items.

Each Hummingbird Pane requires 3 Hummingbird Patterns (Hummingbirds, Marigolds) and 4 Perfect Glass (Wall Post)

Possible Rewards: Hummingbirds, Boosts, Green Collection Pieces

Mystery Panes

Unlocked: Completing Mission Four

Each Mystery Pane requires 7 Rainbow Colouring (Glass Cows, Glass Forges) and 6 Perfect Glass (Wall Post)

Possible Rewards: Mystery Crates, Yellow Collection Items

Holiday Panes

Given as a mission reward from Mission Three and found in Dragonfly Rewards

Holiday Tree Pane

Possible Rewards: Holiday Gifts, Ornament Crops, Tree Decorations, Orange Collection Items

Snowman Pane

Possible Rewards: Snowman decorations, Quilting Patches, Candycanes, Orange Collection items.

Reindeer Pane

Possible Rewards: Winter Mystery Animals, Holly Crops, Orange Collection items