

All the latest information on the newest glitches and crashes making your game a little more entertaining, along with articles about how to do various semi-game related things to help you or your neighbours.

Thursday 18 December 2014

Pickled Christmas Tree Build Guide

The perfect Christmas Tree is big, well decorated and pleasing to the eye... with pickles obviously...

Yes, the Pickled Christmas tree is a four step build with all those usual things you can expect as regards requesting, crafting and homestead drops.

Personally I'm more of a tinsel and baubles man myself, but if they want a Christmas Tree resplendent
 in preserved cucumbers, who are we to argue, right?

Stage One

12 Design Smarts - Tin Forge
10 Trimming Guides - Direct Request
12 Wobble Saws - Wall Post
10 Snow Blowers - Iron Forge
12 Christmas Tree Images - Direct Request
15 Guide Ropes - Wall Post

Stage Two

15 Twinkle Tinsel - Oak Trees
15 Wooly Blankets - Wall Post
9 Safety Candles - Crafted
12 Sparkle Moss - Marshmallow Crops
15 Velvet Barriers - Direct Request
9 Braided Ropes - Crafted

Each Candle requires 4 Glass Lids (Granny's Ovens) and 8 Scented Wax Candles (Wall Post)

Each Rope requires 6 Braiding Knowledge (Steel Forge) and 6 Delicate Twine (Direct Request)

Stage Three

25 Trinket Toys - Pine Trees
18 Candy Sticks - Wall Post
9 Stocking Prizes - Crafted
16 Homemade Cards - Fountain Grass
16 Fizzy Wizzers - Direct Request
10 Best Gift Evers - Crafted

Each Prize requires 7 Tiny Gifts (Wood Lathe) and 8 Micro Bows (Direct Request)

Each Gift requires 4 Thoughtful Presents (Spirit Cactus), 10 Empty Boxes (Wall Post) and 4 Extravagant Wrapping (Direct Request)

Stage Four

25 Christmas Togetherness - Direct Request
16 Pickled Toppers - Wall Post
12 Fresh Pressed Pickles - Crafted
20 Town Photos - Candy Corn
20 Christmas Awe - Wall Post
12 Pickled Ornaments - Crafted

Each Pickle requires 6 Bruised Pickles (Poison Ivy), 9 Shred-O-Matics (Wall Post) and 5 Pickle Shaped Press (Direct Request)

Each Ornament requires 9 Shredded Paper (Recycle Bin), 9 Super Sticky Stuff (Direct Request) and 5 Spare Pickles (Wall Post)

Wednesday 17 December 2014

All Sellable Fishing Items

We've now had four different mission threads, each with multiple places to "fish" that can drop items to sell from our inventory.

With that in mind, and with so many to keep track of, we thought it would be worth collecting them all together in one post and sorting them by reward type... so here we go!

Each is listed by name, reward amount and location found.


Stick Bug - 1 Horseshoe - Rotting Log
Black Scorpion - 1 Horseshoe - Musty Shack
Cup and Ball - 1 Horseshoe - Whack a Varmint
Solid Gold Ticket - 1 Horseshoe - Bottle Toss
Snapped Branches - 1 Horseshoe - Foothill Path
Groaning Reply - 1 Horseshoe - Thick Forest
Crooked Deals - 1 Horseshoe - Leadership Scene
Unpaid Bill - 1 Horseshoe - Family Scene
Native Feast - 1 Horseshoe - Longhouse
Floating Embers - 1 Horseshoe - Stirring of Ashes
Iridescent Dragonfly - 2 Horseshoes - Vibrant Meadow
Perfect Shooter Marble - 2 Horseshoes - Milk Can Toss
Thrown Pinecones - 2 Horseshoes - Rocky Knoll
Shady Children - 2 Horseshoes - Education Scene
Vision Juice - 2 Horseshoes - Medicine Men
Golden Fleece - 3 Horseshoes - High Striker

Gold Dust

Shimmering Domino - 5 Gold Dust - Bottle Toss
Tarantula - 10 Gold Dust - Musty Shack
Leafy Bed - 10 Gold Dust - Thick Forest
Empty Belly - 10 Gold Dust - Family Scene
Fiery Coals - 10 Gold Dust - Stirring of Ashes
Stuffed Bicep - 15 Gold Dust - High Striker


Wooden yo yo - 1'500 Coins - Whack a Varmint
Grasshopper - 2'000 coins - Rotting Log
Hair Snag - 2'000 Coins - Foothill Path
No Direction - 2'000 coins - Leadership Scene
Ancient Story - 2'000 coins, Longhouse
Moth - 3'000 coins - Musty Shack
Silver Bottle - 3'000 coins - Bottle Toss
Tree Scratches - 3'000 Coins - Thick Forest
Giftless Tree - 3'000 coins - Family Scene
Hot Log - 3'000 coins - Stirring of Ashes
Jack Plushie - 3'500 coins - High Striker
Big Bumblebee - 4'000 coins - Vibrant Meadow
Jacobs Ladder - 4'000 Coins - Milk Can Toss
Huge Footprint - 4'000 Coins - Rocky Knoll
Outdated Books - 4'000 coins - Education Scene
Health Potion - 4'000 coins - Medicine Men
Stuffed Mole - 5'000 Coins - Whack a Varmint
Centipede - 15'000 coins - Rotting Log
Big Toenail - 15'000 Coins - Foothill Path
Cooked Books - 15'000 coins - Leadership Scene
Wise Men - 15'000 coins - Longhouse


Praying Mantis - 750 XP - Vibrant Meadow
Pack of Jacks - 750XP - Milk Can Toss
Peering Figure - 750 XP - Rocky Knoll
Dunce Cap - 750XP - Education Scene
Anti Agining Serum - 750 XP - Medicine Men

Friday 12 December 2014

Wonderful Jack Scene Sellables

Be sure to check in your inventory for those sellable items you can pick up while fishing, there's some top quality items!

Leadership Scene

No Direction - Sells for 2'000 coins

Cooked Books - Sells for 15'000 coins

Crooked Deals - Sells for 1 Horseshoe

Family Scene

Giftless Tree - 3'000 coins

Empty Belly - Sells for 10 Gold Dust

Unpaid Bill - Sells for 1 Horseshoe

Education Scene 

Outdated Books - Sells for 4'000 coins

Dunce Cap - Sells for 750XP

Shady Children - Sells for 2 Horseshoes

Thursday 4 December 2014

Eddy's Farmhouse Building Guide

If Eddy is going to turn his life around he (and we) have work in front of us.

From a stumbling beginning trying to be a homesteader through to a final epiphany and life change we're going to be guiding Eddy through this story based build series.

It's still the fairly standard set of 4 stage with 6 items to a stage, requests, crafts and homestead drops!

Stage One

12 Dirty Dirt - Fountain Grass
10 Dandelion Seeds - Direct Request
9 Barnyard Dogs - Wall Post
10 Amy's Promises Fertilizer - Adult Standard Cows
10 Farming for Lawyers - Direct Request
12 Dirty Hoes - Wall Post

Stage Two

15 Sample Seeds - Wildflowers
10 Roid Rabbit - Wall Post
9 Shank Rake - Crafted
15 Pain Reliever - Giant Toadstool
15 Poppy Seeds - Direct Request
8 Unequal Yokes - Crafted

Each Rake requires - 5 Sharpened Sticks (Large/XL Oak chops) and 8 Hand Fashioned Shanks (Wall Post)

Each Yoke requires 6 Large Yokes (Wood Lathes) and 8 Tiny Yokes (Direct Request)

Stage Three

18 Gnarled Apples - Apple Trees
16 Doc's Questionable Blend - Wall Post
10 White Rickety Fences - Crafted
18 Pygmy Carrot - Baby Carrots
12 Neighbourly Advice - Direct Request
9 Sprinklin' Systems - Crafted

Each Fence requires 7 Lead Based Paint (Brass Forge) and 8 Sharp Fenceposts (Direct Request)

Each System requires 4 Copper Piping (Rocks), 10 Sprinkler Heads (Wall Post) and 4 Extra Sprinkler Heads (Direct Request)
Stage Four

15 Inconspicuous Hats - Direct Request
16 Homestead Directories - Wall Post
12 Private Eye Kits - Crafted
20 Amy's Trails - Compost Piles
18 Tinted Monocles - Wall Post
12 Observation Shacks - Crafted

Each Kit requires 4 Tin Tubes (Tin Forges), 10 Thick Glass (Wall Post) and 4 Disguise Mustaches (Direct Request)

Each Shack requires 9 Circle Cutting Saws (Steel Forge), 9 Rickety Outhouses (Direct Request) and 4 Periscopes (Wall Post)