It's a four step build with all the usual mix of requests, craft items and drops from our homestead!
Lots of things are also used again, so keep an eye on the next few steps to see what you could be picking up in advance (especially Toy Paint).
Stage One
3 Craft Tables - Crafted
2 Fast Wheels - Crafted
4 Crafting Tools - Wall Request
5 Fine Leather - Direct Request
8 Toy Paint - Sugar Plums
12 Hobby Glue - Adult Chickens
12 Hobby Glue - Adult Chickens
Each Table requires 4 Table Planks (Fully Grown Pine) and 4 Secure Bolts (Wall Request)
Each Wheel requires 5 Bearings (Direct Request) and 4 Clay Wheels (Rocks)
Stage Two
6 Game Boards - Crafted
5 Mini Cowboys - Crafted
8 Small Hats - Wall Request
10 Tiny Clothes - Direct Request
15 Whittling Wood - 7 and 12 chop Oaks
12 Wrangling Ropes - Flax
Each Game Board requires 4 Wrangle Controllers (Wall Request) and 5 Playing Surfaces (Adult Standard Pigs)
Each Mini Cowboy requires 6 Limb Joints (Direct Request) and 2 Figure Parts (Monkey Puzzle Trees)
Stage Three
12 Craft Tables - Crafted
10 Ted Dolls - Crafted
15 Mini Boots - Wall Request
20 Mini Makeup - Direct Request
20 Toy Paint - Sugar Plums
10 Holiday Joy - Healed Stuffed Toys
Each Table requires 4 Table Planks (Fully Grown Pine) and 4 Secure Bolts (Wall Request)
Each Ted Doll requires 6 Twelve Inch Male Figures (Direct Request) and 4 Dark Hair (Cows)
Stage Four
10 Cart Bases - Crafted
8 Mini Cowboys - Crafted
25 Steering Columns - Wall Post
20 Small Canopies - Direct Request
15 Silky Cloth - Silk
20 Wrangling Ropes - Flax
Each Cart Base requires 4 Toy Paint (Sugar Plums), 8 Cart Rims (Wall Post) and 5 Buggy Spokes (Direct Request)
Each Mini Cowboy requires 6 Limb Joints (Direct Request) and 2 Figure Parts (Monkey Puzzle Trees)