

All the latest information on the newest glitches and crashes making your game a little more entertaining, along with articles about how to do various semi-game related things to help you or your neighbours.

Thursday, 14 February 2013

Cuddly Kitten Corral Building Guide

Well, if we're going to be overrun by cats I guess we need somewhere for them to get used to human interaction...

That brings us to the Cuddly Kitten Corral, a build that's just the three stages made up of the usual mix of requests, Carfating and homestead drops, you know the drill by now.

So join us as we take you through what you'll need...

Stage One

20 Plum Poles - Plum Trees
10 Pouncin Practice - Debris
8 Shaggy Rugs - Requested
10 Cat Thrones - Requested
8 Kitty Platforms - Requested
6 Dangly Toys - Crafted

Each Dangly Toy requires 2 Little Bells (Goats) and 3 Kite String (Requested)

Stage Two

20 Kitty Name Tags - Steel Forges
8 Kitten Ladders - Requested
12 Adorable Bows - Requested
12 Cuddly Photos - Requested
14 Scratching Posts - Requested
8 Kitty Beds - Crafted

Each Bed requires 6 Apple Crates (Apple Trees), 12 Gritty Sandpaper and 7 Cuddle Pillows (Both requested)

Stage Three

25 Kitty No! - Lemon Trees
15 Flea Powder - Requested
12 Grooming Shears - Requested
15 Kitty Slickers - Requested
12 Cat Fishin Poles - Crafted
10 Kitty Beds - Crafted

Each Pole requires 4 Long Feathers (Geese) and 3 Bamboo Poles (Requested)

Each Bed requires 6 Apple Crates (Apple Trees), 12 Gritty Sandpaper and 7 Cuddle Pillows (Both requested)