

All the latest information on the newest glitches and crashes making your game a little more entertaining, along with articles about how to do various semi-game related things to help you or your neighbours.

Wednesday 6 April 2011

Bess' Guide To Good Farmin' Fer Food!

Howdy y'all! Seems everyone is hankering for some food now but it's sure difficult to know what to do to get it, so I'm gonna make up this little guide to what gives what food AND put in what I call the Bess' FPH... Food Per Hour score! (Hmm, three guesses who did the maths... - Fanny)

This ain't perfect because it depends how long y'all spend on your homestead but it's a start!

This is all stuff y'all be doin' on your own homesteads... When visiting neighbours, fruit trees are ya best bet!

Animals (Sold as Adult)
Name Time to Grow Food When Sold Food Per Hour
Chicken 3 hours, 6 Minutes 5 1.7
Goat 10 Hours 8 0.8
Goose 13 Hours 7 0.5
Sheep 18 Hours 15 0.8
Pig 48 Hours 45 0.9
Cow 70 Hours 50 0.7
Oxen 108 Hours 65 0.6
Most time efficient animal - Chicken, then Pig.
Mystery Animals
Name Time Between Tends Food Per Tend Food Per Hour
Turkey 12 Hours 10 0.8
Rabbit 30 Minutes 10 3
Turtle* 3 Hours 25 8.3
Deer* 3 Hours 40 13
Squirrel 2 Hours 5 2.5
Chinchilla 3 Hours 4 1.3
Chameleon 3 Hours 5 1.6
Highland Cow 3 Hours 7 2.3
Polar Bear 3 Hours 7 2.3
Sugarglider 3 Hours 5 1.6
Ram 3 Hours 4 1.3
Chipmunk 3 Hours 4 1.3
Armadillo 3 Hours 4 1.3
Reindeer 3 Hours 7 2.3
Seal 3 Hours 4 1.3
Frog 3 Hours 4 1.3
Swan 3 Hours 4 1.3
Kissing Sheep 3 Hours 4 1.3
Kissing Swans 3 Hours 4 1.3
Kissing Rabbits 3 Hours 4 1.3
Most time efficient Mystery
Animal - Deer then Turtle * These are the Mystery Animal version, not the Black Injured Animals
Name Time to Grow Food output Food Per Hour
Pumpkin 1 Hour 1 1
Eggplant 2 Hours 3 1.5
Potatoes 4 Hours 2 0.5
Squash 6 Hours 1 0.2
Flax 8 Hours 2 0.25
Corn 12 Hours 3 0.25
Cabbage 16 Hours 4 0.25
Sunflowers 18 Hours 3 0.2
Wheat 24 Hours 4 0.2
Peas 48 Hours 4 0.08
Cotton 72 Hours 4 0.05
Peanuts 96 Hours 5 0.05
Most Time Efficient Crop - Eggplant then Pumpkin - Long term - Flax, Corn, Cabbage
Random Food Chances:
40% Chance of
1 Food
80% Chance of
1 Food
60% Chance of
0-1 Food
20% Chance of
1 Food
70% Chance of
1 Food
60% Chance of
1 Food
70% Chance of
1-3 Food
80% Chance of
1-2 Food
15% chance of
1-3 Food
0% Chance of
any Food
30% Chance of
1-3 Food
50% Chance of
1-3 Food
60% Chance of
1-5 Food
50% Chance of
2-7 Food
White Rose
40% Chance of
1 Food
Pink Rose
40% Chance of
1 Food
Red Rose
40% Chance of
1 Food
20% Chance of
8-15 Food
2% Chance of
1-5 Food
0.4% Chance of
5-10 Food
0.2% Chance of
5-10 Food
Fruit Trees (When fully grown)
Name Time to Grow Food output Food Per Hour
Cherry Tree 8 Minutes 1 7.5
Liberty Cherry 8 Minutes 2 15
Apple Tree 30 Minutes 2 4
Pear Tree 1 Hour 30 Minutes 3 2
Partridge in a Pear Tree 2 Hours 3 1.5
Peach Tree 3 Hours 4 1.3
Peppermint 4 Hours 3 0.75
Apricot Tree 8 Hours 2 0.25
Most Time Efficient Tree - Liberty Cherry then Cherry.

Other Food options:

Building Daily Bonuses - Covered Wagon is 5, Barn is 15, Land Office is 11-40 each time.

Collections -

Chicken Coop - 50 Food
Clover Collection - 25 Food
Cow Collection - 25 Food
Goose Collection - 35 Food
Potato Collection - 60 Food
Snake Collection - 40 Food