

All the latest information on the newest glitches and crashes making your game a little more entertaining, along with articles about how to do various semi-game related things to help you or your neighbours.

Saturday 23 April 2011

Injured Animals Roundup

Animal Found In Found By Healed With
White Buffalo
-- Clearing debris, tending cows and oxen
8 Critter Milk
Black Deer
-- Clearing grass, tending trees, both fruit and lumber
10 Critter Milk
Black Robin
Green Egg
Tending trees, both fruit and lumber
7 Fuzzy Blankets
Yellow Quail
Pink Egg
Tending trees, both fruit and lumber
7 Fuzzy Blankets
Black Turtle
Black Egg
Tending trees, both fruit and lumber
7 Fuzzy Blankets
Bear Cub
Clearing debris
7 Juicy Berries
Tan Ferret
Burrow Clearing debris
7 Juicy Berries
Pink Chinchilla
Burrow Clearing debris
7 Juicy Berries
Brown Mule
-- Clearing debris, harvesting crops Spend 5 energy plus recruit 6 neighbours