

All the latest information on the newest glitches and crashes making your game a little more entertaining, along with articles about how to do various semi-game related things to help you or your neighbours.

Thursday 24 October 2013

Harvest Festival Build Guide

The Harvest Festival storyline includes a four step "build", where each step is a chapter in the story.

As usual we won't see a difference in the build mechanic, each step will still be a six item collection of things gained from requesting, crafting and, of course, some drops from those Homestead Items.

So, it back, put on your Imp-bopping gloves and lets see what we need!

Stage One

12 Fruit Baskets - Plum Trees
12 Note Analysis - Direct Request
10 Fancy Tablecloths - Wall Post
10 Pumpkin Soup - Mini Pumpkins
9 Metal Eyes ID - Direct Request
10 Harvest Tables - Wall Post

Stage Two

4 Varmint Whips - Adult Angus Cows
15 Sharp Pitchforks - Wall Post
8 Rope Traps - Crafted
12 Nabbin Sacks - Ginger
10 Lit Torches - Direct Request
9 Thief Thumpers - Crafted

Each Rope Trap requires 4 Varmint Bait (Corn) and 8 Leafy Ropes (Wall Post)

Each Thumper requires 4 Heavy Metal (Recycle Bins) and 8 Solid Handles (Direct Request)

Stage Three

11 Flooring Wood - Willow Trees
16 Sealing Tar - Wall Post
10 Portal Doors - Crafted
15 Basket Materials - Bull Thistle
12 Basket Wrap - Direct Request
9 Door Sealers  - Crafted 
(couldn't have just said padlock?)

Each Portal Door requires 6 Thick Plywood (Almond Trees), 10 Doorknobs (Wall Post) and 4 Thick Crowbars (Direct Request)

Each Sealer requires 5 Tough Chains (Steel Forges) and 8 Unbreakable Locks (Direct Request)

Stage Four

15 Table Stands - Direct Request
16 Tablecloth Patches - Wall Post
10 Leftover Casseroles - Crafted
18 Extra Bowls - Harvest Gourds
18 Makeshift Chairs - Wall Post
12 Quick Fix Puddings - Crafted

Each Casserole requires 8 Smashed Potatoes (Potatoes, shocker), 8 Veggie Scraps (Wall Post) and 5 Bread Crusts (Direct Request)

Each Pudding requires 6 Quick Grown Berries (Blackberry Bushes), 9 Instant Rice (Direct Request) and 4 Scrounged Sweeteners (Wall Post)