To track down and apprehend Amy Steele and her new gang will take some work, four build stages of work to be exact!
It all concentrates down into a standard 4 step build with a mix of requesting, crafting and homestead drops.
Make a note of the Climbing Shoes which are used in two builds!
Stage One
12 Thick Gloves - Fully Grown Oxen
10 Blinding Lamps - Direct Request
8 Questioning Chairs - Wall Post
10 Itchy Powder - Poison Ivy
10 Thorn Proof Coats - Direct Request
12 Bramble Hackers - Wall Post
Stage Two
15 Stiletto Footprints - Prickly Pears
12 Dropped Earrings - Wall Post
9 Rock Wagons - Crafted
12 Climbing Helmets - Melons
15 Golden Hair Strands - Direct Request
8 Climbing Shoes - Crafted
Each Wagon requires 3 Sturdy Cart Frames (Coastal Pines) and 8 All Terrain Wheels (Wall Post)
Each Shoe takes 6 Rock Spikes (Steel Forges) and 8 Heavy Shoes (Direct Request)
Stage Three
8 Paired Footprints - Fresh Grass
16 Hideout Hints - Wall Post
10 Trackin' Porkers - Crafted
14 Lost Hankies - Spinach
12 Discarded Hats - Direct Request
9 Climbing Shoes - Crafted
Each Porker Requires 6 Sniffer Swine (Pigs), 10 Hog Collars (Wall Post) and 4 Goldie's Perfume (Direct Request)
Each Shoe takes 6 Rock Spikes (Steel Forges) and 8 Heavy Shoes (Direct Request)
Stage Four
15 Doorsmashers - Direct Request
18 Bandit Bola - Wall Post
12 Steel Vests - Crafted
18 Deputy Stars - Goldenrod
16 Arrest Warrants - Wall Post
12 Flashbombs - Crafted
Each Vest requires 6 Formed Leather (Cows), 9 Brown Thread (Wall Post) and 5 Furnace Doors (Direct Request)
Each Flashbomb requires 6 Flash Powder (Red Essence Labs), 9 Hollowed Sportsballs (Direct Request) and 4 Short Fuses (Wall Post)