

All the latest information on the newest glitches and crashes making your game a little more entertaining, along with articles about how to do various semi-game related things to help you or your neighbours.

Thursday, 28 November 2013

Camera Wagon Building Guide

Well, with a wagon to fix (and Hank fixing it), Milly's probably going to be around for a while so why not put her to work?

The build in this mission set, the Camera Wagon, is a standard 4 stage build with all the usual mix of requests, crafting and homestead drops.

Each one will take you through a bit of the storyline as Milly takes some fine photos of our homestead and the folks on it!

Stage One

6 Tripod Chains - Chickens
12 Sheik Shrouds - Wall Post
9 Skinny Sticks - Direct Request
10 Gold Plates - Gold Forges
10 Accordian Innards - Wall Post
12 Camera Lenses - Direct Request

Stage Two

15 Clean Coverups - Basic Stills
15 Pearl Earrings - Wall Post
9 Tight Girdles - Crafted
12 Bess' Blush - Lavender Water Lilies
12 Fancy Necklace - Direct Request
8 Graceful Dresses - Crafted

Each Tight Girdle requires 5 Chewed Girdles (Goats) and 8 Girdle Straps (Direct Request)

Each Graceful Dress requires 4 Torn Dresses (Recycle Bins) and 8 Embroidery Fittings (Wall Post)

Stage Three

18 Platform Shoes - Birch Trees
16 Squeezin Room - Wall Post
9 Elegant Benches - Crafted
15 Lovely Corsages - Wild Buttercups
12 Neck Ties - Direct Request
10 Suit Jackets - Crafted

Each Bench requires 6 Twisty Steel (Steel Forges) and 8 Welding Work (Direct Request)

Each Suit Jacket requires 4 Worn Clothing (Mules and Partner Donkeys), 10 Clean Stitching (Wall Post) and 4 Sewn Pockets (Direct Request)

Stage Four

18 Mule Feed - Golden Pastures
18 Amazing View - Wall Post
12 Metal Axles - Crafted
16 Frontier Postcards - Wall Post
15 Road Rations - Direct Request
10 Feathered Seat - Crafted

Each Metal Axle requires 4 Oak Axles (Oak), 8 Axle Platings (Direct Request) and 5 Brake Rollers (Wall Post)

Each Seat requires 9 Springy Wire (Sieve Stations), 9 Seat Bases (Wall Post) and 6 Molted Feathers (Direct Request)