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Showing posts with label Burly Bulls. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Burly Bulls. Show all posts

Monday, 30 July 2012

Fitness Fort Crafting

How do you get Burly Bulls up to their full Burling potential to drag those gold bars? Well, you do it with a Fitness Fort.

It's a three stage build with crafting, request items and items from the homestead, plus one item each time that's a mission reward.

So, let us guide you through all three build stages of the Fort and tell you what you need.

Stage One
Required for Mission Two

4 Treadmills - Crafted
8 Claw Steeper - Requested
12 Muscle Oil - Adult Standard Pigs
6 Fitness Files - Requested
3 Practice Plow - Crafted
1 Physical Exam - Reward from Mission One

Each Treadmill requires 4 Wood Wheels (Requested) and 4 Leather Tracks (Standard Adult Cows)

Each Plow requires 4 Stone Weights (Requested) and 4 Bent Boards (Grass Debris)

Stage Two
Required for Mission Three

8 Plow Harnesses - Crafted
15 Wool Mats - Standard Adult Sheep
8 Flank Masters - Crafted
8 Muscle Measurers - Requested
15 Clown Barrels - Requested
1 Hauling Trophy - Reward from Mission Two

Each Plow Harness requires 4 Plow Collars (Requested) and 4 Tightropes (Flax)

Each Flank Master requires 3 Horny Handles (Requested), 4 Wooden Rings (Lemon Trees) and 6 Log Weights (Requested)

Stage Three
Required for Mission Four

8 Preppin Poultices - Crafted
8 Bull Pens - Crafted
15 Barbells - Requested
20 Weight Benches - Requested
10 Tough Tuft - Burly Bulls
1 Hoof Cap - Reward for Mission Three

Each Preppin Poultice requires 6 Soothin Salts (Requested) and 4 Egg Whites (Standard Adult Chickens)

Each Bull Pen requires 16 Stone Clips, 12 Peg Hookers (both requested) and 4 Applewood Fences (Green Apple Trees)