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Showing posts with label Family Outing. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Family Outing. Show all posts

Thursday, 26 April 2012

Hidden Meadow Crafting

If you're going to sort your kids poison ivy problem and give them a good family outing it's going to take some work.

The Hidden Meadow will take four stages of building as it talks you through the story. You'll find the Meadow, fix the bridge to visit it, craft a curing salve for your child's poison ivy and finally leave them to have a good old campout with a big campfire, scary stories and a singalong!

So, time for a crafting guide! It's not too bad this time, so let's get cracking!

Stage 1 - Search for the Hidden Meadow

6 Walking Sticks - Requested
4 Hiking Boots - Requested
3 Jungle Machetes - Crafted
16 Orange Slices - Tend Orange Trees
1 Hidden Meadow Map - Mission reward from Mission 1, Tending To Adventure

Each Jungle Machete requires 3 Machete Handles (Requested) and 3 Raw Metal (Clearing Rocks)

Stage 2 - Repair The Bridge and Cross The River

8 Tough Rope - Requested
16 Marigold Blossoms - Drops tending Marigolds which are a free gift item
4 Goat Glue - Crafted
6 Iron Stakes - Requested
6 Wooden Mallets - Requested
1 Hidden Trail Marker - Reward from Mission 2, Winging It

Each Goat Glue requires 4 Glue Jars (Requested) and 4 Goat Hoof Clippings (drops from feeding Adult Goats)

Stage 3 - Prepare A Healing Salve

8 Itch Away - Requested
8 Bug Repellent - Crafted
6 Healing Salve - Crafted
6 Soothing Cream - Found Tending Cows
6 Cool Spring Water - Requested
1 Repaired Bridge - Reward from Mission 3, A Bridge Over Troubled Waters

Each Bug Repellent requires 3 Protective Pollen (Harvest Mixed Tulips) and 5 Empty Bottles (requested) to make Foul Tonic. One foul tonic is added to 5 Spray Nozzles (requested) to form bug repellent. 

Each Healing Wrap needs 4 Clean Cloths (Requested) and 4 Aloe Vera tips (Tending Aloe Vera crops)

Stage 4 - Build a Bonfire For a Relaxing Night

12 Spooky Stories - Requested
12 Bug Repellent - Crafted
3 Roaring Fires - Crafted
16 Singalong Songs - Requested
20 Combusti-Wool - Tending Adult Sheep
1 Healthy Kid - Reward from Mission 4, The Hidden Meadow

Each Bug Repellent requires 3 Protective Pollen (Harvest Mixed Tulips) and 5 Empty Bottles (requested) to make Foul Tonic. One foul tonic is added to 5 Spray Nozzles (requested) to form bug repellent. 

Each Roaring Fire takes 8 Oak Kindling (chopping Oak Trees) and 8 Bonfire Stones (Requested) to make a Fire Pit. Two Fire Pits are then added to 6 Monstrous Matches (Requested) to make a Roaring Fire