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Showing posts with label Family Reunion. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Family Reunion. Show all posts

Thursday, 29 March 2012

Family Reunion Crafting

Sorry folks, time for another of our crafting guides to take you through everything needed for each mission and give you a head start on what needs to be collected so you wont be blindsided by not collecting something you later need.

Mission 1

Craft 8 Cajun Peas

Peas come from... well, Peas.
Cajun Seasoning is requested

Totals required: 32 Peas, 16 Cajun Seasoning


Barbecue requirements:

4 Reunion Banners - Crafted
2 Cookware - Crafted
5 Side Dishes - Requested
7 Name Tags - Requested
4 Barbecue Utensils - Requested



4 Reunion Banners

Poster Paper comes from Willow trees (the bigger the better)
Wet Paint is requested

Totals needed: 12 Poster Paper, 16 Wet Paint


2 Cookware

Pots 'n' Pans and Serving Spoons are requested

Totals needed: 12 Pots 'n' Pans, 8 Serving Spoons

Mission 2

Craft 6 Mushroom Cream Sauce

Diced Mushrooms come from Stumps
Bottles of Cream and Saucy Spices are requested

Totals needed: 72 Diced Mushrooms, 48 Bottles of Cream, 30 Saucy Spices


Barbecue Requirements:

60 Diced Tomatoes - Found tending tomatoes
3 Black Chilli - crafted
12 Sauteed Veg - Requested
3 Red Chilli - Crafted
14 Diced Chilli Flakes - Requested
8 Dried Oregano - Requested



3 Black Chilli

Ground Angus Beef comes from Angus Cows
Black Beans are requested

Totals needed: 6 Ground Angus Beef, 24 Black Beans.


3 Red Chilli

Red Beans and Ground Cumin are requested

Totals needed: 15 Red Beans, 18 Ground Cumin

Mission 3

Craft 6 Stuffed Turkeys

Bread Crumbs come from wheat
Stuffin Spices and Roasted Turkeys are requested

Totals needed: 30 Bread Crumbs, 30 Stuffin Spices, 30 Roast Turkeys


Barbecue Requirements:

1 Spicy Chilli - Crafted
8 Barbecue Bibs - Requested
12 Side Dishes - Requested
1 Savoury Chilli - Crafted
20 Barbecue Blindfolds - Found tending Badgers (I know, just don't ask is my suggestion)
2 Chilli Champ Charts - Crafted



1 Spicy Chilli

Red Chilli and Cookware are crafted

4 Red Chilli

Red Beans and Ground Cumin are requested

Totals needed: 20 Red Beans, 24 Ground Cumin

5 Cookware



1 Savoury Chilli

Black Chilli and Cookware are crafted

5 Black Chilli

Ground Angus Beef comes from Angus Cows
Black Beans are requested

Totals needed: 10 Ground Angus Beef, 40 Black Beans.

5 Cookware



10 Cookware in total

Pots 'n' Pans and Serving Spoons are requested

Totals needed: 60 Pots 'n' Pans, 40 Serving Spoons


2 Chilli Champ Charts

Coloured Chalk is requested
Olive Branches come from Olive Trees

Totals needed: 16 Coloured Chalk, 10 Olive Branches

Mission 4

Craft 6 Bowls of Punch

Apple Juice comes from Apple Trees
Cranberry Juice is requested
Orange Slices come from Orange Trees

Totals needed: 90 Apple Juice, 72 Cranberry Juice, 30 Orange Slices


Barbecue Requirements:

12 Mixing Bowls - Requested
15 Barbecue Bibs - Requested
20 Side Dishes - Requested
1 Chilli Prototype - Crafted
32 Ripe Kidney Beans - Drop when tending Kidney Bean crops.
10 Supreme Sour Cream - Crafted



1 Chilli Prototype

Essence of Chilli is crafted
Family Harmony is requested

1 Essence of Chilli

Spicy Chilli and Savoury Chilli are crafted.

2 Spicy Chilli

Red Chilli and Cookware are crafted

8 Red Chilli

Red Beans and Ground Cumin are requested

Totals needed: 20 Red Beans, 24 Ground Cumin

10 Cookware


1 Savoury Chilli

Black Chilli and Cookware are crafted

5 Black Chilli

Ground Angus Beef comes from Angus Cows
Black Beans are requested

Totals needed: 10 Ground Angus Beef, 40 Black Beans.

5 Cookware


15 Cookware in total

Pots 'n' Pans and Serving Spoons are requested

Totals needed: 90 Pots 'n' Pans, 50 Serving Spoons


10 Supreme Sour Cream

Whipping Cream and Chives are requested

Totals needed: 40 Whipping Cream, 50 Chives.

Overall Totals

32 Peas - Found tending Peas
16 Cajun Seasoning - Requested
4 Reunion Banners - Crafted
2 Cookware - Crafted
37 Side Dishes - Requested
7 Name Tags - Requested
4 Barbecue Utensils - Requested
12 Poster Paper - Found tending Willow trees
16 Wet Paint - Requested
162 Pots 'n' Pans - Requested
98 Serving Spoons - Requested
72 Diced Mushrooms - Found clearing Stumps
48 Bottles of Cream - Requested
30 Saucy Spices - Requested
60 Diced Tomatoes - Found tending tomatoes
3 Black Chilli - Crafted
12 Sauteed Veg - Requested
3 Red Chilli - Crafted
14 Diced Chilli Flakes - Requested
8 Dried Oregano - Requested
26 Ground Angus Beef - Found tending Angus Cattle
104 Black Beans - Requested
55 Red Beans - Requested
66 Ground Cumin - Requested
30 Bread Crumbs - Found tending Wheat
30 Stuffin Spices - Requested
30 Roast Turkeys - Requested
1 Spicy Chilli - Crafted
23 Barbecue Bibs - Requested
1 Savoury Chilli - Crafted
20 Barbecue Blindfolds - Found tending Badgers (I know, just don't ask is my suggestion)
2 Chilli Champ Charts - Crafted
16 Coloured Chalk - Requested
10 Olive Branches - Found tending Olive Trees
90 Apple Juice - Found tending Apples
72 Cranberry Juice - Requested
30 Orange Slices - Found tending Oranges
12 Mixing Bowls - Requested
1 Chilli Prototype - Crafted
32 Ripe Kidney Beans - Drop when tending Kidney Bean crops.
10 Supreme Sour Cream - Crafted
40 Whipping Cream - Requested
50 Chives - Requested
8 Family Harmony - Requested

Sorry, that's as clear cut as we can make it!