So, it's time for us to put the work in to help Bob and his about to fail County Talent Show!
For each performer we'll need to do a set build that in two cases will lead to big rewards!
Each build relates to a mission and will need to be completed from mission 2 onwards, and will have one item from a previous mission reward!
Stage One - Bear Taming! - Build the permanent Bear Lure
2 Bear Lure Plans - Crafted
3 Female Bear Decoys - Request
2 Smoking Trout - Crafted
8 Hunks of Cheddar - Found tending Adult Goats
8 Jars of Honey - Drops tending Sugar Plums
1 Talent Show Flyer - Reward from Mission One
Each Lure Plan requires 4 Sturdy Picnic Baskets (Requested) and 4 Tasty Peaches (Peach Trees)
Each Smoked Trout requires 4 Large Trout (Requested) and 3 Fish Seasoning (Tending Spicebushes)
Stage Two - Monkeying Around - Set up Amos' Act
15 Brew Bottles - Requested
12 Red Habanjeros - Found harvesting Habanjeros
5 Bunyan Brews - Crafted
8 Essence of Bunyan - Requested
15 Monkey-Proof Lids - Requested
1 Granny's Whip - Reward from Mission Two
Each Bunyan Brew requires 4 Peculiar Potions (Requested) and 3 Horn Extracts (Adult Standard Cows)
Stage Three - Rhinestone Cowgirl! - Set up Bess' Act
20 Sparkly Hats - Requested
6 Frontier Gloves - Crafted
10 Fancy Lassos - Crafted
20 Sparkling Spurs - Found tending Non-Rideable Horses
15 Pinches of Glitter - Requested
1 Bunyan Brew Case - Mission Reward from Mission Three
Each Frontier Glove requires 2 Frontier Leather (Adult Oxen), 3 Strong Stitching (Requested) and 6 Tanning Oil (Requested)
Each Fancy Lasso requires 3 Red Ribbons (Requested) and 2 Sparkling Ropes (Harvesting Flax)
Stage Four - Handy Man! - Learn to craft Tough Hand Tonic!
15 Massage IOUs - Requested
12 Frontier Gloves - Crafted
6 Tough Hand Plans - Crafted
20 Massage Pillows - Requested
20 Alow Ointment - Found tending Aloe Vera
1 Dancing Outfit - Reward from Mission Four
Each Frontier Glove requires 2 Frontier Leather (Adult Oxen), 3 Strong Stitching (Requested) and 6 Tanning Oil (Requested)
Each Tough Hand Plan requires 6 Tough Sand Paper (Neighbour Pines), 9 Iron Shavings (Requested) and 5 Toughening Ointment (Requested)