

All the latest information on the newest glitches and crashes making your game a little more entertaining, along with articles about how to do various semi-game related things to help you or your neighbours.

Monday, 30 July 2012

Fitness Fort Crafting

How do you get Burly Bulls up to their full Burling potential to drag those gold bars? Well, you do it with a Fitness Fort.

It's a three stage build with crafting, request items and items from the homestead, plus one item each time that's a mission reward.

So, let us guide you through all three build stages of the Fort and tell you what you need.

Stage One
Required for Mission Two

4 Treadmills - Crafted
8 Claw Steeper - Requested
12 Muscle Oil - Adult Standard Pigs
6 Fitness Files - Requested
3 Practice Plow - Crafted
1 Physical Exam - Reward from Mission One

Each Treadmill requires 4 Wood Wheels (Requested) and 4 Leather Tracks (Standard Adult Cows)

Each Plow requires 4 Stone Weights (Requested) and 4 Bent Boards (Grass Debris)

Stage Two
Required for Mission Three

8 Plow Harnesses - Crafted
15 Wool Mats - Standard Adult Sheep
8 Flank Masters - Crafted
8 Muscle Measurers - Requested
15 Clown Barrels - Requested
1 Hauling Trophy - Reward from Mission Two

Each Plow Harness requires 4 Plow Collars (Requested) and 4 Tightropes (Flax)

Each Flank Master requires 3 Horny Handles (Requested), 4 Wooden Rings (Lemon Trees) and 6 Log Weights (Requested)

Stage Three
Required for Mission Four

8 Preppin Poultices - Crafted
8 Bull Pens - Crafted
15 Barbells - Requested
20 Weight Benches - Requested
10 Tough Tuft - Burly Bulls
1 Hoof Cap - Reward for Mission Three

Each Preppin Poultice requires 6 Soothin Salts (Requested) and 4 Egg Whites (Standard Adult Chickens)

Each Bull Pen requires 16 Stone Clips, 12 Peg Hookers (both requested) and 4 Applewood Fences (Green Apple Trees)

Thursday, 26 July 2012

Carnival Game score board and prizes!

All scores below refer to the combined score of you and your partner.

Balloon Popper Game!

WIN - 0-10 Points - 1 Chicken, 10XP, 10 Coins
LOSE - 0-10 Points - 1 Chicken, 10XP, 10 Coins

WIN - 10-1000 Points - 1 Ticket, 5 Fast Hands Boosts, 1 Bronze Dart
LOSE - 10-1000 Points -  1 Ticket, 5 Fast Hands Boosts, 1 Rock

WIN- 1000-2500 Points - 3 Tickets, 1 Breakfast, 1 Bronze Dart
LOSE - 1000-2500 Points - 3 Tickets, 1 Breakfast, 1 Rock

WIN - 2500-5000 Points - 5 Tickets, 1 Quick Draw Quaff, 1 Silver Dart
LOSE - 2500-5000 Points -  5 Tickets, 1 Quick Draw Quaff, 1 Bronze Dart

WIN - 5000-7500 Points - 1 How to Jack Lumber Book, 2 Raging Buffalo, 1 Silver Dart
LOSE - 5000-7500 Points - 1 How to Jack Lumber Book, 2 Raging Buffalo, 1 Bronze Dart

WIN - 7500-10000 Points - 1 Crop Whisperer Book, 1 Aged Salmon, 1 Gold Dart
LOSE - 7500-10000 Points - 1 Crop Whisperer Book, 1 Aged Salmon, 1 Silver Dart

WIN - 10000-12500 Points - 5 Fully Grown White Oak Trees, 1 Beef Jerky, 1 Gold Dart
LOSE - 10000-12500 Points - 5 Fully Grown White Oak Trees, 1 Beef Jerky, 1 Silver Dart

WIN - 12500-15000 Points - 5 Aged Salmon, 1 Beef Jerky, 1 Gold Dart
LOSE - 12500-15000 Points - 5 Aged Salmon, 1 Beef Jerky, 1 Silver Dart

WIN - 15000-20000 Points - 5 Squeezing the Stones Book, 1 Crazy Cake, 1 Gold Dart
LOSE - 15000-20000 Points - 5 Squeezing the Stones Book, 1 Crazy Cake, 1 Silver Dart

WIN - 20000-30000 Points - 1 Unicycle Bear, 1 Crazy Cake, 1 Diamond Dart
LOSE - 20000-30000 Points - 1 Unicycle Bear, 1 Crazy Cake, 1 Gold Dart

WIN - 30000-50000 Points - 1 Prize Crate, 1 Ultimate Chili, 1 Diamond Dart
LOSE - 30000-50000 Points - 1 Prize Crate, 1 Ultimate Chili, 1 Gold Dart

WIN - 50000-100000 Points - 1 Prize Crate, 1 Two Year Crazier Cake, 1 Diamond Dart
LOSE - 50000-100000 Points - 1 Prize Crate, 1 Two Year Crazier Cake, 1 Gold Dart

WIN - 100000 - 200000 Points - 2 Two Year Crazier Cakes, 1 Book Of Experience, 1 Diamond Dart
LOSE - 100000 - 200000 Points - 2 Two Year Crazier Cakes, 1 Book Of Experience, 1 Diamond Dart

Thursday, 19 July 2012

Show Pen Crafting

Let's take a look at how we're going to build our Show Pen.... 

                                   Stage One
Required for Mission Two

4 Fancy Torches - Crafted
4 Small Mousetraps - Crafted
6 Smooth Fenceboard - Requested
6 Cedar Support - Requested
6 Animal Nametags - Requested
20 Pig Measurement - Drops from adult standard pigs

Each Fancy Trough requires 6 Sweet Apples (harvest apples trees on your homestead) and 4 Basic Troughs (requested)

Each Small Mousetrap requires 4 Pinches of Cheese (tend adult goats) and 4 Sensitive Triggers (requested)

Stage Two
Required for Mission Three

8 Hand Crafted Brush - Crafted
10 Supreme Hay Loft - Crafted
20 Warm Floor Tile - Requested
15 Massage Oil - Requested
25 Heated Milk - Drops from adult standard cows
Pretty Feed Bucket - Received for completing Mission One

Each Hand Crafted Brush requires 5 White Twine (harvest white peach trees or on free gifts page) and 4 Soft Bristle (requested)

Each Supreme Hay Loft requires 4 Delicious Hay (drops when tending wheat) and 4 Loft Blueprints (requested.)

Stage Three
Required for Mission Four

8 Poolside Drink - Crafted
8 Mud Mask - Crafted
20 Sun Tan Lotion - Requested
15 Stylin' Shades - Requested
30 Pretty Petal - Tending Pink Roses
1 Acupuncture - Received for completing Mission Two

Each Poolside Drink requires 1 Drink Garnish (crafted) and 8 Cool Drinks (requested):
Drink Garnish is crafted from 6 Maraschino Cherries (harvest cherry trees on your homestead) and 4 Drink Swords (requested)

Each Mud Mask requires 3 Thin Orange Slice (harvest Orange Trees or on free gifts page) and 3 Facial Mud (requested)

Now you have the ability to keep upgrading your Show Pen an unlimited amount of times!

Stage Four

10 Luxurious Pillows - Crafted
8 Intricate Rugs - Crafted
20 Spacious Stalls - Requested
20 N-Stick Flooring - Requested
15 Squeaky Slippers - Requested
10 Prize Piggy Banks - Tend Prize Pigs on your homestead

Each Luxurious Pillow requires 1 Comfy Material (crafted) and 6 Heating Pads:
Comfy Material is crafted with 6 Smooth Feathers (tend neighbor's standard chickens) and 4 Velvet Fabric (requested)

Each Intricate Rug requires 4 Elite Wood (found tending Prized Sheep on your homestead) and 4 Inspired Pattern (requested)

Monday, 16 July 2012

Diner Crafting

Although it's only a short build there's still room for a crafting guide to make sure you know what we'll need from the Diner!

This time around we've only got a two step building (yay!) with a combination of request items, crafting, homestead drops and mission rewards.

So let's take a look at how we're going to set the table...

Stage One
Required for Mission Two

7 Diner Tables - Crafted
6 Diner Booths - Crafted
25 Folded Napkins - Drops from Red Roses
15 Mood Candles - Requested
15 Diner Plates - Requested
1 Gingham Cloth - Reward from Mission One

Each Diner Table requires 6 Long Legs (Requested) and 6 Smooth Tabletops (Pine Trees)

Each Diner Booth requires 4 Leather Seating (Requested) and 5 Wool Padding (Adult Sheep)

Stage Two
Required for Mission Four

4 Patio Tables - Crafted
8 Patio Enclosures - Crafted
30 Sugar Packets - Drops from Beets
20 Flyswatters - Requested
20 Diner Placemats - Requested
1 Diner Chime - Reward from Mission Three

Each Patio Table requires 24 Parasol Ribbing (Requested), 16 Parasol Cloth (Cotton) and 4 Outdoor Tables (Oak Trees)

Each Patio Enclosure requires 9 Stone Edging (Rocks), 12 Decorative Flowers (Pink Orchids) and 8 Patio Gates (Requested)

Monday, 9 July 2012

Museum Building Guide

As you can imagine, no building these days comes without one of our building guides!

The Museum is a four stage build, each with a mix of requests, a craft or two and items you'll find around the homestead (hooray!)

So strap in, get your shovels out and prepare to get your building head on. Let us guide you through everything you'll need for the Museum build and where you'll find all the items!

Stage One - The Untamed Frontier
Needed for Mission One

4 Tree Ring Sections - Requested
6 Ancient Bear Fangs - Dug up at the Dig Site
2 Hand Picks - Crafted
5 Varmint Fossils - Drop from Rocks

Each Hand Pick requires 4 Cherrywood Handles (Cherry Trees) and 2 Handpick Edges (Requested)

Stage Two - Early Arrivals
Needed for Mission Two

4 Excavation Brushes - Crafted
4 Explorer Hats - Requested
6 Wikiwah Wigwams - Dug up at the Dig Site
12 Expedition Chronicles - Requested
20 Taxidermy Glue - Drops from Jackalopes

Excavation Brushes are crafted from 4 Hair Bristles (Requested or NON-Rideable horses) and 3 Brush Handles (Requested)

Stage Three - Taming The Frontier
Needed for Misson Three

8 Frontier Portraits - Requested
10 Red Wagon Paint - Red Clover
8 Settler Diaries - Dug up at the Dig Site
5 Sieves - Crafted
6 Corn Cobs - Requested
8 Long Cow Horns - Skulls

Each Sieve requires 8 Steel Blades (Rocks), 10 Steel Sheets and 5 Wire Mesh, all items are requestable.

Stage Four - Grand Opening
Needed for Mission Four

6 Chandeliers - Crafted
10 Veggie Platters - Requested
10 Frontier Relics - Dug up at the Dig Site
6 Courtly Doors - Crafted
24 Fancy Hats - Requested
10 Hors D'oevres - Requested

Each Chandelier requires 8 Bent Iron, 8 Thin Chains and 3 Chandelier Candles, all requested.

Each Courtly Door requires 5 Door Stain and 9 Handcarved Doors, both requested.

Thursday, 5 July 2012

Ferris Wheel Crafting Guide

Yes, here we go again with another of our crafting/building guides, this time for the Ferris Wheel that Hank is (translation: we are) making.

It's a four stage build with two craftable items, requestables, mission rewards and a smattering of stuff from the homestead.

So grab a chair, sit back and possibly find a piece of paper and a pen... as we take you through everything that's needed for the latest addition to the Homestead.

Stage One - Laying The Foundation
Required for Mission Two

12 Sugar Plum Pie - Harvesting Sugar Plums
2 Ferris Wheel Materials - Crafted
4 Smooth Planks - Crafted
4 Building Permits - Requested
5 Ferris Wheel Flyers - Requested
1 Mail Order Diploma - Mission reward from Mission One

Each Smooth Plank requires 2 Long Pine Boards (Fully grown Pines) and 3 Fine Sandpaper (requested)

Each Ferris Wheel Material requires 4 Tough Leather Straps (Standard Adult Cows) and 3 DIY Instructions (Requested)

Stage Two - Ferris Wheel Framing
Required for Mission Three

15 Tough Brackets - Requested
2 Ferris Wheel Hubs - Crafted
6 Ferris Wheel Frames - Crafted
10 Safety Nets - Requested
15 Cheese Wheels - Adult Standard Goats
1 Ferris Wheel Plan - Reward for Mission Two

Each Ferris Wheel Hub requires 1 Sturdy Axle (Blacksmith Daily Bonus) and 6 Wheel Bearings (Requested)

Each Ferris Wheel Frame requires 3 Oak Support Beams (NEIGHBOUR Oaks) and 5 Metal Rims (Requested)

Stage Three - Cabins For Kiddies
Required for Mission Four

15 Lag Screws - Requested
2 Animal Cabins - Crafted
6 Seat Cushions - Crafted
20 Spinach Snacks - Harvesting Spinach
10 Safety Belts - Requested
1 Cabin Plan - Reward for Mission Three

Each Animal Cabin requires 8 Gooey Gumdrops (Gumdrop crops), 6 Candy Dispensers and 6 Safety Locks (both requested) (See, it LOOKS like we're making a sweetie safe, but that's just a distraction technique...)

Each Cushion requires 12 Soft Goose feathers (Geese - I know, with some of the things lately I expected them to come from harvesting peas), 8 Soft Material and 5 Cushion Kits (Both Requested)

Stage Four - Finishing The Wheel
Required for Mission Five

15 Popcorn Bags - Requested
10 Cotton Candy Carts - Crafted
8 Animal Cabins - Crafted
25 Kettle Corn - Harvesting Corn
20 Funny Money - Requested
1 Ferris Wheel Paint - Reward from Mission Four

Each Cotton Candy Cart requires 3 Cotton Candy (Cotton Candy crops), 4 Display Racks and 6 Empty Carts (Both Requested)

Each Animal Cabin requires 8 Gooey Gumdrops (Gumdrop crops), 6 Candy Dispensers and 6 Safety Locks (both requested) (See, it LOOKS like we're making a sweetie safe, but that's just a distraction technique...)