

All the latest information on the newest glitches and crashes making your game a little more entertaining, along with articles about how to do various semi-game related things to help you or your neighbours.

Saturday 15 June 2013

Dino Exhibitions - The Drops

So, what do the Dino Exhibitions drop? Well, it seems they have a bundle of goodies hidden inside their bones...

One Collection Item

One item from this list:

Horsetail Crop
Ancient Plant
Fossilised Bone
Identified Bone
Bone Duster
Ancient Water

And one from this list...

Note: the Boost only drops after the missions are completed and the 3 crops are only from the standard exhibitions (The T-Rex has an increased chance of dropping the Boost instead)

Bronto Rib Boost (Only available after the missions are completed)
Cattle Power
Crop Spirit Totem Crystal
Animal Spirit Totem Crystal
Earlybird Boost
Steel Forge (Not T-Rex)
Sieve Station (Not T-Rex)
Hide Prepping Station (Not T-Rex)