All items use the same item, Icy Lures, which are crafted from 2 Barbless Hooks (Recycle Bins) and 3 Frozen Bugs (Wall Post).
The Aquarium/Icy Pond Sideboard
Can drop:
Tropical Iced Fish
Vibrant Iced Fish
Deadly Iced Fish
10 Energy
Smoked Cheddar Boost
Escargot Boost
Fish Bait
Feather Lure
Icy Lure
BBQ Bronto Ribs
Quick Licorice
Animal Edibles
2 Horseshoes
The Huge Fishtank
Can Drop
10 Energy
Animal Edibles Boost
Bullwhip Boost
Unwither Crop Boost
Fish Bait
Feather Lure
Animal Magnetism Boost
Eco Jacking Boost
Crop Mumbler Boost
2 Horseshoes