

All the latest information on the newest glitches and crashes making your game a little more entertaining, along with articles about how to do various semi-game related things to help you or your neighbours.

Monday, 17 January 2011

Making a Friends List

If you are like me and you have a combination of gaming friends and friends who just don't understand the whole online gaming process, you may have come across the feeling that people are getting annoyed with the amount of times you are posting onto the Live Feed for requests to finish missions etc. I also didn't want some of my friends to know what an addict I was! :)

Well here is a simple way to make sure that your posts are only visible to the people that play games on Facebook, those that appreciate your posts and who want to see them so they can also progress in the game as well.

First of all you will need to make a Customised Friends List.

Step 1
Click here:

Step 2
Click on the "Create List" button at the top of the screen. A little window will pop up.

Step 3 
Name your list (I call mine Gaming) and click on all the people that you want to add to that list.
When you have finished selecting your gaming friends select Create List.

And that's it! Simple as that you just made a Gaming Friends list! (These people that you have selected will even come up as that in your little chat window on Facebook Chat)

You can also FAVOURITE that list in Facebook by hovering over it in Friends on the left hand side of your Facebook Newsfeed and clicking the little pencil icon that appears, then just click add to favourites.

If the list is just to see Gaming Posts click the "Manage Lists" button top right, then select "Choose Update Types"

From there, untick everything but Games.

OK here is the important bit....

Making posts only visible to your Gaming List

When you are playing your game and you get to a moment where you need to post to you wall, wait for the image to come up that you will share on your screen and then :

Step 1
Click on the padlock symbol next to the Share Button and a list will drop down. Chances are that it will have a tick next to the word Everyone. This mean that if you post it now Everyone will see the post. Click on Customise to change this.

Step 2
You will see a box saying "Make this Visible to these people".....make sure it says "specific people" in the drop down box and then type the name of your list into the box immediately below it. You will see the name of your list appear as an option.

Step 3 
Select the List name and you will see it enter the box showing that now ONLY people in that list will see this post.

Step 4 
To double check that you have the correct setting, hover your mouse over the padlock symbol and you should see the name of your List come up. If it still saying Everyone, try it again.

Step 5
Click Share. And relax.

IF the post still hasn't gone out to the right list, hover over it until the arrow appears top right, click that and you can edit the privacy from there as well.

If you have any problems with this then please don't hesitate to get in touch with one of the The Admins :)

Happy Posting!