Without too many nasty requirements you'll soon be moving Fully Grown Trees and Varmints along with making long wait animals ready and running around the homestead like Usain Bolt!
The first part of ALL Leather Boost crafting is to get Refined Leather. That in itself doesn't give you anything, but it's a base for all the different boosts...
Each Refined Leather requires 2 Prepped Pelts (Hide Prepping Stations or Adult Standard Cows) and 3 Tanning Lime (Requested)
ALL other parts are Requested from friends.
Quicksilver Boots
One Hour of Double Speed for your Avatar.
One Hour of Double Speed for your Avatar.
Each Boots requires 2 Refined Leather and 3 Boot Silver
Halter Bridle
Resets a Non-Rideable Horse
Each Bridle requires 2 Refined Leather and 8 Horse Bits
Training Saddle
Resets a Rideable Horse
Each Saddle requires 2 Refined Leather and 7 Saddle Trees
Ox Harness
Resets an Ox
Each Harness requires 2 Refined Leather and 6 Harness Forms
Cattle Lead
Resets a Cow
Each Lead requires 2 Refined Leather, 3 Leather Punches and 6 Bolt Snaps
Rawhide Gloves
Lets you move Fully Grown Trees for an Hour
Each Gloves requires 2 Refined Leather, 3 Cord Thread, 6 Rawhide Straps
Lets you move Varmints for an Hour
Each Bullwhip requires 4 Refined Leather, 10 Leather Scissors and 3 Braided Poppers