

All the latest information on the newest glitches and crashes making your game a little more entertaining, along with articles about how to do various semi-game related things to help you or your neighbours.

Thursday 13 September 2012

Parcel Wagon Building Guide

If you're going to get parcels out to the Soldiers you need a good wagon to pull them, and that's where this comes in.

We're not building the wagon as such, we're building the packages to go in them, but the basis is the same, and at the end we see a real reward, a daily bonus giving rare collection items.

So, stick with us as we round up all four stages, which each have the now traditional mix of homestead activities, requesting and crafting.

Stage One - Frontier Comfort
Required for Mission Two

Harvest 10 Aloe Vera
5 Sharp Cheddar Cheese - Adult Cows
4 Molasses Cookies - Crafted
Tend 25 Adult Standard Sheep
6 Sharpening Stones - Steel Forges
8 Tin Cups - Requested

Each Cookie requires 4 Molasses (Beets) and 5 Cookie Recipes (Requested)

Stage Two - Pass The Time
Required for Mission Three

8 Raspberry Flavouring - Raspberries
12 Community Quilts - Requested
6 Pet Rocks - Crafted
15 Corn Husks - Corn
10 Charcoal Sketches - Requested
10 Soldiers Journals - Requested

Each Pet Rock requires 4 Smooth Round Rocks (Rocks) and 6 Child's Paint (Requested)

Stage Three - A Family Visit
Required for Mission Four

15 Flight Plans - Requested
10 Bird Seed - Requested
8 Hand Drawn Maps - Crafted
10 Hero Feathers - Captain Mary
8 Military Patches - Requested
6 Mission Provisions - Crafted

Each Map requires 3 Map Paper (Apple Trees) and 5 Kid's Crayons (Requested)

Each Provision requires 10 Breadcrumbs (Wheat), 10 Bird Canteens and 6 Flight Pouches (Both Requested)

Stage Four - Picture for Pa
Required for Mission Five

12 Snuggly Hugs - Requested
10 Dolly Eyes - Requested
10 Lil Girl's Art - Crafted
25 Soft Furry Pillows - Adult Shaggy Llamas
15 Local Newspapers - Requested
8 Embroidered Handkerchiefs - Crafted

Each Art requires 5 Parcel Wrapping Paper (Pine) and 6 Drawing Chalk (Requested)

Each Handkerchief requires 4 Curved Slats (Cashew Trees), 6 Thumb Screws and 10 Cotton Swatches (Requested)