

All the latest information on the newest glitches and crashes making your game a little more entertaining, along with articles about how to do various semi-game related things to help you or your neighbours.

Sunday, 30 September 2012

Posting In's and Out's

We've had a handful of folks recently ask us questions regarding posting, especially as there seems to be issues with receiving items. Because of this we've been asked to provide a quick guide of what's what when it comes to posting.

First up, the post itself...

Because it's Facebook there's things on the post totally unrelated to the game. The Like and Comment links here aren't connected to the game at all, so just clicking like or leaving a comment here won't send the item to the neighbour, it'll just make them THINK you did.

So step one is to click either of the two links to get to this screen...

From here there are two options, one is GUARANTEED to send the item, one has been reported to be sketchy.

Option One is the certain way. Type a Comment, click Comment, close the screen when the address bar changes to the game address,,

It's easiest and most effiecient when you use the control click method from the feed page we've detailed here:

Option Two is debatable. That is simply to click "Play Pioneer Trail".

Although this should, and usually does, work, we've had enough reports of missing items when using this method to be cautious. If you want to be 100% certain of sending the item to your neighbour you're better off by far using Option One.

PLEASE NOTE: If you're out of clicks the comment won't go through, but your neighbour still get's the item, promise!