

All the latest information on the newest glitches and crashes making your game a little more entertaining, along with articles about how to do various semi-game related things to help you or your neighbours.

Tuesday, 23 October 2012

How to Bookmark Frontierville Express

Recent changes by Facebook means you're not tending to see everything YOU want to see, more now what Facebook decides is important.

So, did you know it's possible to bookmark Frontierville Express in your Facebook Favourites AND get notifications when we post?

No? Well let us guide you! Follow this easy step by step guide to never miss an update again.

First up, Notifications!

To activate these handy little pings every time we post simply hover over the "Liked" button and tick "Get Notificaitons", you'll then get a little note each time we post :)

While you're there also make sure "Show In News Feed" is ticked, then click Settings and make sure it's set to all updates.

Next up, how to bookmark us!

1) On our page, click the cog under our header picture and select "Add To Interest Lists".

2) On the Next bit, Click "New List"

3) Click the Next button bottom corner. (Simple step this one).

4) Name the list "Frontierville Express" and select a privacy option. If you're just using this as a bookmark, select "Only Me".

5) Congratulations, you now have a list! Now to add it to Favourites.

6) At the bottom of the left hand sidebar will be the Interests section. Hover over and click the pencil icon next to Fronterville Express and select Add to Favourites.

7) Revel in your newly found, easy to click link to all our posts! (Please note, this is our page posts, you will still need to visit to see Member posts.)