Getting the necessary weight
All items are time specific, the quicker you do it, the better it is. Because of that it's suggested to use the "sacrificial animal" method.
This is to place a "sacrificial" item of the type you want to make on your homestead. Use that item to request the Wall Post needed but DO NOT CRAFT.
Then, once you have enough, place a BRAND NEW item of the type you need to grow, craft all the amount you need and feed instantly, all 15/17/21/32/34 feeds as quickly as possible.
This usually results in a winning item.
Notes: Don't forget the Caretaker Boost will do THREE tends of any partner animal and, if you don't like the outcome, the Dream Boost will change it to one of the other variations for that style.
Runt's Rescuer Boost (only available as a reward for completion of the mission Rescue Runts) can be used to fully complete any one partner animal. Choose wisely as it is a ONE OFF reward.
Prize Pig:
Burly Bull:
Pure Bred Horse:
Fluffy Sheep:
3 Softness Soap(Wall Post)+ 2 Sweet Leaf = 1 Sheep Shampoo (32needed)
Sweet Leaf - Lemon Mint, White Roses, Feeding Fluffy Sheep
Sheep Shampoo - Shearing Collection and from using Sheep Patches on Quilts.
Building: Shearing Salon
Sweet Leaf - Lemon Mint, White Roses, Feeding Fluffy Sheep
Sheep Shampoo - Shearing Collection and from using Sheep Patches on Quilts.
Building: Shearing Salon
Show Dog:
3 Beefy Bits(Wall Post)+ 2 Puppy Nutrients = 1 Champ's Chow (34needed)
Puppy Nutrients - Dog Violet, Blue Corn, Tend Show Dogs
Building: Show Course
Puppy Nutrients - Dog Violet, Blue Corn, Tend Show Dogs
Building: Show Course
Prize Turkey:
3 Gobbler Grow(Wall Post)+ 2 Hot Feed = 1 Fowl Fitness (34needed)
Hot Feed - Chick Peas & Sunflowers
Building: Turkey Track
Cuddly Kittens:
3 Fake Mice + 2 Catnip Oil (Wall Post) = 1 Squeekie (34 needed)
Fake Mice - Fancy Cattails, Corn & Cuddling completed Kittens.
Building: Cuddly Kitten Corral
2 Pristine Nettles and 3 Veggie Stalks (Wall Post) = 1 Green Goodie (34 needed)
Pristine Nettles -Wild Nettles and Cabbage. Green Goodies can come from breeding.
Building: Rabbit Ranch
2 Healthy Hay and 3 Burro Blessing = 1 Packmule Praise (34 Needed)
Healthy Hay comes from Wheat, Golden Pastures and the Donkey Ball Collection.
Building: Donkey Ball Court
2 Pond Pads and 3 Left-Over Bugs = 1 Pond Parcel (34 needed)
Pond Pads come from White Orchids, White Water Lillies and Blue, Green, Lilac and Marigold frogs.
Building: Frog Haven
2 Hearty Acorns (Valerian/Oaks/Possible Reward from judging Partner Runts) and 3 Warm Jammies (Wall Post) = Hibernation Kit (17 Needed)
Hibernation Kits - Building Bonus of Dormitorium. Dreams Collection.
Building - Dormitorium.
2 Mineral Mixture (Runt Plantain or Kale) and 3 Body by Runt (Wall Post) = Runt Fit Kit (34 Needed)
Runt Plantains and Runt Fit Kits - Possible Rewards from judged Runts.
Building - Rec Centre.
Superb Runts:
2 Powdered Electrolytes (WILD Oats) and 3 Power Water (Wall Post) = Runt-Aid (34 Needed)
Building - Rec Centre.
Endangered Animals:
2 Native Fruits (Wood Lilies and (rarely) Fig Trees) and 3 Welcome Pamphlets (Wall Post) = Orientation Basket (21 Needed)
Wood Lilies - Conservation Collection, Wood Lilies and Orientation Baskets - Rewards from Scoring Endangered Animals
Wood Lilies - Conservation Collection, Wood Lilies and Orientation Baskets - Rewards from Scoring Endangered Animals
Building - Wildlife Preserve.
Charmed Varmints
2 Scholarships (Angel's Trumpet) and 3 Varmint Grants (Wall Post) = Varmint Tuition (34 needed)
Building - Varmint Academy
Prize Pumpkin:
Christmas Decorations(Tree/Gingerbread House/Reindeer):
2 Jolly Decor(Wall Post)+ 3 Holiday Treats = 1 Festive Fare (34needed)
Holiday Treats - Ornament Crops & Jumbo Canes
Building: Holiday Glade
Holiday Treats - Ornament Crops & Jumbo Canes
Building: Holiday Glade
Show Snowman:
Ice Sculpture:
3 Frigid Water(Wall Post)+ 2 Snow Ice = 1 Slushy Mortar (34needed)
Snow Ice - Snow Peas, Snowball Piles, Daily Bonus Collection on Ice Hotel
Building: Ice Hotel
Snow Ice - Snow Peas, Snowball Piles, Daily Bonus Collection on Ice Hotel
Building: Ice Hotel
Carol Props:
2 Memorable Scents + 2 Fuzzy Feelings (Wall Post) = 1 Charitable Memory (34 needed)
Memorable Scents - Festive Cinnamon, Jumbo Canes
Building: Play House, Past or Future Scenes (note: these store in the Shed, not Farm Hall)
Carnival Games:
1 Carnival Stamp(Wall Post)+ 1 Paper Roll (Direct Request) = 1 Game Ticket (amountneededvaries)
Click HERE for a full list of prize totals and the rewards you get.
Redeem Carnival Collections for more tickets
Building: Ferris Wheel or a Game itself
Click HERE for a full list of prize totals and the rewards you get.
Redeem Carnival Collections for more tickets
Building: Ferris Wheel or a Game itself
Apple Game(Apple Bobbing/Apple Shooting):