Having Game Issues?
A few things you can do that can make a big difference:
If you are having issues with your game these hints and tips you can do almost always help.
1) Dismount - if you are riding something dismount it. Only ride when you have a reason to be doing so, then dismount. Once dismounted, do number 2 below then refresh your game.
2) Clear BOTH Caches:
Clearing Browser Cache
Clearing Flash Cache (select 'delete all sites' here)
3) Clear Cookies
In Chrome: Menu - Hover over Tools - Select Clear Browsing Data
In Firefox: Options - Privacy - Remove Individual Cookies - Click Clear All or find the Zynga ones.
4) Check you haven't disabled 3rd Party Cookies
Some issues can come from disabling 3rd party cookies.

2) Clear BOTH Caches:
Clearing Browser Cache
Clearing Flash Cache (select 'delete all sites' here)
3) Clear Cookies
In Chrome: Menu - Hover over Tools - Select Clear Browsing Data
In Firefox: Options - Privacy - Remove Individual Cookies - Click Clear All or find the Zynga ones.
4) Check you haven't disabled 3rd Party Cookies
Some issues can come from disabling 3rd party cookies.
5) Check only one version of flash enabled:
6) Try different browser - Google Chrome typically is the best browser for the game, but if the above doesn't help your issue try using a different one for a little while.
7) Uninstall and re-install game as follows - your game data is stored on Zynga's servers so you won't lose anything. It's perfectly safe to uninstall and re-install:
To Remove The Game
1) Click for 'Account Settings' at the top right of your page - use the little spanner wheel next to your name.
2) Select "Apps" on the left side of the page.
3) Locate "Pioneer Trail" on the list of apps you see.
4) Click the "X" to the right of the Pioneer Trail app.
5) You will need to confirm that you want to remove the app by clicking the "remove" button.
6) Sign out of Facebook.

To Re-install The Game
1) Clear your browser cache and flash cache.
2) Sign into Facebook.
3) On Facebook's Search box at the top of the screen type search "Pioneer Trail."
4) Click on the one that comes up for Pioneer Trail Game.
5) Click on "Go to app."
6) The next screen will ask you to "allow" the game, and will load the game for you.
8) Reboot your router
Sometimes it's as simple as switching your router off, leaving it for 30 seconds then switching it back on again.
9) Laptop users only
Check your energy saving options and make sure that you are using High Performance mode. If your laptop is set to save energy, it may not being doing enough to run or even load the game effectively. By all means reduce the screen brightness but other settings may cause problems.
10) Mouse jumping uncontrollably
If you're using a wireless mouse, check the battery.

7) Uninstall and re-install game as follows - your game data is stored on Zynga's servers so you won't lose anything. It's perfectly safe to uninstall and re-install:
To Remove The Game
1) Click for 'Account Settings' at the top right of your page - use the little spanner wheel next to your name.
2) Select "Apps" on the left side of the page.
3) Locate "Pioneer Trail" on the list of apps you see.
4) Click the "X" to the right of the Pioneer Trail app.
5) You will need to confirm that you want to remove the app by clicking the "remove" button.
6) Sign out of Facebook.

To Re-install The Game
1) Clear your browser cache and flash cache.
2) Sign into Facebook.
3) On Facebook's Search box at the top of the screen type search "Pioneer Trail."
4) Click on the one that comes up for Pioneer Trail Game.
5) Click on "Go to app."
6) The next screen will ask you to "allow" the game, and will load the game for you.
8) Reboot your router
Sometimes it's as simple as switching your router off, leaving it for 30 seconds then switching it back on again.
9) Laptop users only
Check your energy saving options and make sure that you are using High Performance mode. If your laptop is set to save energy, it may not being doing enough to run or even load the game effectively. By all means reduce the screen brightness but other settings may cause problems.
10) Mouse jumping uncontrollably
If you're using a wireless mouse, check the battery.