

All the latest information on the newest glitches and crashes making your game a little more entertaining, along with articles about how to do various semi-game related things to help you or your neighbours.

Thursday, 1 November 2012

Step By Step Quilting Guide

[For our guide to patches including crafting and rewards, click HERE. For our Quilting Workshop Building Guide, click HERE.]

As quilting is brand new we thought we'd talk you through every aspect of how to do it in a simple step by step guide.

As with many things we've had it looks a lot more complicated than it really is and I'm sure after placing a couple patches folks will find it as easy as falling off a log.

1) You begin making your Quilt with the "Quilt Station" option in the menu.

2) The Quilting Station shows your current quilt on the left (blank here) and all the patches you can craft on the right (use the arrows to move through the types, more open as you complete missions.)

3) Simply click the patch you wish to place on the right, and move it to any of the 16 squares in your Quilt, or place back in the Patch Box if you've made a mistake or change your mind.

4) When all 16 squares are full, click "Stitch It Up" to complete your Quilt.

5) WARNING: Stitching your Quilt completes it and no more changes can be made.

6) Click "Get Rewards"

7) Get Rewards!

8) Here you now have two options.

A) Click "Quilting Station" to begin another one. (Go to Step 2)

B) Click "Quilting Storage Rack" to see your finished Quilts. (Go to Step 9)

9) the Quilting Storage Rack shows all your completed Quilts (up to 250) and you can use the "Stitch Another Quilt" button to begin another Quilt. (Go to Step 2)